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Instructions for your application

Application period

summer semester 2025

Applications for the summer semester 2025 are possible between 01.10. - 01.11.2024.

Entrance exams for Meisterklasse:

All other entrance exams:
08.01. - 14.01.2025


Please Note

Bachelor's and state examination courses can only be started in the winter semester.

All courses of study have no age limit.


Application for exchange studies

Information on how to appy for exchange studies at College of Music Dresden you can find here


Semester fee
All students have to pay a semester fee of EUR 291,90 (as of summer semester 2024)

Tuition Fee
In addition to the semester fee, there may be tuition fees for studying.
Please refer to this document under §5

You can check for scholarships here


Entry Exam & Language Requirements

Artistic Specialisation

Preparatory courses for the entrance exam

Nebenfach Musiktheorie und Gehörbildung

The Center for Music Theory offers preparatory courses for the entrance exam in music theory/aural training (minor subject) at the HfMDD.

Music Theory/Aural Training:

Written test with music theory (approx. 30 min.) and ear training (approx. 30 min.) components to demonstrate the following skills: 

  • Basic knowledge of General Music Theory (keys, scales, intervals, triads, four-part chords and inversions), 
  • application of basic knowledge of general music theory and harmony (analyzing and writing simple endings and fundamentals of the basso continuo), 
  • aural grasp of intervals, scales, triads, four-part chords, inversions, melodies, rhythms, instruments.

The written test will take place each day at around 17:00. You can download sample exams here:

Klausur Musiktheorie PDF
Klausur Gehörbildung PDF


Für Bachelor Jazz/Rock/Pop, Chordirigieren und Komposition gelten andere Prüfungsbedingungen, diese finden Sie auf den Aufnahmebedingungs-Seiten des jeweiligen Faches.



Questions & Answers

Advice on questions relating to the subject is provided by the respective deans of the subject area.

Questions regarding application procedures and study planning will be answered by the staff of the Student Secretariat.