During the training the strengths and the talent of the student will be promoted, the weaknesses will be discovered and overwritten with new habits. The love of music in combination with the transfer of professional knowledge and technical skills are the first priority. The training at the Dresden College of Music is characterised by openness and a practice-oriented training strategy in the pedagogical and artistic sense. Every student is thus optimally prepared for professional life.
Broadly Diversified, Practically Oriented, Individually
The focus of the study programme is the development of an artistic personality with all its creative potential, who confidently meets the requirements of the current music business. The basis for this is the comprehensive technical and musical training and promotion of creativity and independence.
Simon Harrer
Jazz/Rock/Pop Posaune/Bigband
Stellvertretender Studiendekan Jazz/Rock/Pop
Phone: | |
Simon Harrer
Jazz/Rock/Pop Posaune/Bigband
Stellvertretender Studiendekan Jazz/Rock/Pop
Phone: | |
Contacts for all professors, lecturers and staff can be found here
Kooperation von Musik- und Design-Studierenden
90. Vocal Night im Objekt klein a
ERASMUS-Aufenthalt in Schweden
Hans Jacob Wohlfarth besuchte die Partnerhochschule in Stockholm