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Master New Music

Knowledge and profound skills in the broad, stylistically diverse area of contemporary music are increasingly important for instrumentalists today. The Dresden University of Music has been specializing in this area for many years and regularly organizes a wide variety of concerts and workshops.



Bern, Dresden, Salzburg

The course, which begins in the 2019/20 winter semester, fits this profile and also has an attractive feature in that it is held in cooperation with the Hochschulen in Bern (Hochschule der Künste) and Salzburg (Universität Mozarteum) - which gives all students the opportunity to spend one year of the four-semester course in these other cities.

In addition to work and individual lessons on the instrument, ensemble work also plays an important role in this course. There are also other highly attractive options and possibilities, including improvisation, electronics / video and instrumental music theater. At the end of each academic year, the students from all three universities are brought together in joint ensemble projects. Particularly qualified teachers are available for all activities.

Further Information

Admission requirements, course of studies

New Music


Manos Tsangaris / Fotograf: Fabian Stuertz
Alberto Arroyo/Foto: RMR Juan Jesus Pan

Aussercurriculare Kurse Neue Musik


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Die meisten Kurse sind offen für Studierende aus allen Fachrichtungen.


Seminare neue Musik: Theorie und Praxis

Friedrichstattpalast Donnerstags 14:00-16:00
Beginn ab 11. April
Offen für alle Studierenden


Grundlagen experimentelle Vokaltechniken

Offen für alle Studierenden
Einzelunterricht: Nach Absprache Donnerstag sowie jeden zweiten Montag.


"Der singende Dirigent/Korrepetitor in der zeitgenössische Oper"

Co-Teaching zusammen mit Valtteri Rauhalammi
Jeden zweiten Montag ab 8. April 16:00-18:00 Uhr


Stimmforschung experimentellen Vokaltechniken, eine longitudinal pädagogische Studie

Offen für alle Gesangsstudierende: Blockweise am Ende des SoSe


Internationale Online Community Neue Musik

Wechselnde Themen und Gäste
Onlineproben mit der Software Soundjack
Jeden zweiten Mittwoch 15:00-16:00 Uhr ab 27. März



"Queerbeat": Fachübergreifendes Konzert zu Semesterende im Friedrichstattpalast
"Jazz trifft neue Musik": Workshop und Neukompositionen



Master New Music