Conducting / Correpetition
The field of conducting/correpetition stands for a high artistic and conceptual standard, which is supplemented by a significant proportion of practice-oriented project work. Therefore, the involvement of students in the rehearsals of ensembles is indispensable and a matter of course.
further information on the study programme
The focus of the study programme is the development of an artistic personality with all its creative potential, who confidently meets the requirements of the current music business. The basis for this is the comprehensive technical and musical training and promotion of creativity and independence.
Conducting / Correpetition
Verabschiedung von Prof. Ekkehard Klemm
Interview mit dem Leiter des Hochschulsinfonieorchesters
Workshop zur Schulchorarbeit
Chordirigieren mit Thomas Buchholz
Department Conducting/Correpetition
Ekkehard Klemm
Studiendekan Dirigieren/Korrepetition
Sprechzeiten: Nach vorheriger Anmeldung im Sekretariat
Tel.: +49 351 4923-669
Montags von 09:00 - 10:00
Raum: W 1.17