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Musical Theatre Accompaniment


The field of conducting/correpetition stands for a high artistic and conceptual standard, which is supplemented by a significant proportion of practice-oriented project work. Therefore, the involvement of students in the rehearsals of ensembles is indispensable and a matter of course.



Broadly Diversified, Practically Oriented, Individually

The focus of the study programme is the development of an artistic personality with all its creative potential, who confidently meets the requirements of the current music business. The basis for this is the comprehensive technical and musical training and promotion of creativity and independence.



Score playing, sight-reading, correpetition and continuo form the basis of the training. The main aim is to accompany singers in an appropriate and differentiated manner. In addition to expanding the repertoire, the focus is on intensive engagement with various genres. The students broaden their artistic focus in dealing with works of instrumental music. The study programme is rounded off with lessons in methodology, music theory, musicology and aural training, seminars on music physiology and psychological basics of music making as well as events that prepare students for their career entry (e.g. copyright law).

Benefit from Local Diversity

The possibilities to observe and work with Dresden music theatres (Semper Opera House, Landesbühnen Sachsen, Staatsoperette), renowned top ensembles (Staatskapelle, Philharmonic Orchestra)) as well as many regional orchestras in the rehearsal and performance phase supports the diversity of the training.


The participation in projects of the opera and concert class of the Dresden College of Music and the extension of the competences in the independent conducting of solo and ensemble rehearsals is the essence of the practical work in the study. The rehearsal and stage work is aimed at expanding stylistic knowledge and sovereign acting as rehearsal leader.


Entrance Requirements


Study Curriculum & Documents


Professors and Lecturers

Valtteri Rauhalammi

Contacts for all professors, lecturers and staff can be found here


Conducting / Correpetition


Dionysios Pantis/Foto: Yannis Gutmann


Department Conducting/Correpetition