Wind Instruments
Our educational goal is to combine tradition and modernity in the best possible way in order to prepare students for the realities of the current job market. This is done under the guidance of leading teachers, recognized orchestral musicians and renowned soloists who bring their extensive experience to the teaching.
Further Information on the Study Programme
The focus of the study programme is the development of an artistic personality with all its creative potential, who confidently meets the requirements of the current music business. The basis for this is the comprehensive technical and musical training and promotion of creativity and independence.
Wind Instruments & Timpani/Percussion
Ji Suk Park, Trompete
Klasse Prof. Björn Kadenbach
Anton Franz, Fagott
Klasse Prof. Philipp Zeller
Engagement im Bundesjazzorchester
Josef Gütter, Posaune & Ben Mammel, Trompete
Andrés Rojas Chirivella, Oboe
Klasse Prof. Céline Moinet
Contact Us
Wind Instruments & Timpani/Percussion Department
Jan Donner
Stellvertretender Studiendekan Bläser/Schlagwerk
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