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Advice and Conflict Resolution

Good advice!

The answers to (almost) all your questions about studying at the HfM Dresden.

Studying is a new stage of life that you first have to settle into. This brochure is intended to help you to arrive well and to find the right contact person for your problems, worries and everyday challenges at any time.


Study successfully

The Office of student affairs is the first and last point of contact for your studies. This is where you enrol, register for the coming semester and receive your degree certificate. During your studies, there are other points of contact regarding the organisation of your studies with the Student Secretariat that you should take into account.

Consultation topics:
- Re-registration for the coming semester
- Certificates, grade overviews
- Proof of health insurance
- Cancellation of classes in the case of prolonged illness of 3 or more days (also inform the main subject teacher)
- Registration for compulsory elective modules

Student Secretariat

As always in life, unforeseeable circumstances can arise during the course of your studies. In a confidential - anonymous if you wish - counselling session, your individual study and examination situations
will be addressed.

Consultation topics:
- Extension of study period
- Holiday Semester
- Change of degree programme
- Studying more than one degree programme
- Graduation for enrolled students and external students
- Exmatriculation
- Drop out of studies



Individual questions will first be answered by the dean of studies in your subject area. They are responsible for various topics regarding your study process, study content and examination results. The topics are varied and complex. For this reason, it is essential that you inform yourself in advance on the website of your respective field of study. You will certainly already come across with answers to your questions while reviewing the study plans and module descriptions of your degree programme. If you have more in-depth questions, the deans of studies will of course be happy to help you. You can also find their contact details and consultation hours on the website.

Consultation topics:
- Course of studies, course content, organisation of studies (see module descriptions)
- Extension of study time/application for semesters off (after clarification with the main subject teacher, application to the Dean of Studies)
- Questions about the recognition of academic achievements, e.g. when changing universities
- Questions about changing teachers
- Questions about examination content (see module description)
- Postponing examinations (after clarification with the Faculty Secretariat)
- Examination counselling (see module description, consultation with the main subject teacher)
- Advice on specific degree programmes, especially cooperation degree programmes or advanced degree programmes

Faculty I

Faculty II


The student council is the student representation of the HfM Dresden. The members are newly elected each year and they represent you in the university committees and advocate  for your interest. The members support you in applying for artistic, cultural, political, scientific and pedagogical projects outside of the college's offerings and always have an open ear for the challenges of everyday student life.

Consultation topics:

- Advice on the promotion of student projects
- Help with internal college concerns or problems (e.g. concerning teachers or exams)
- Advice on social and cultural concerns of students
- Information on study regulations and the degree programme from a student perspective
- Support for students' economic and social self-help

Student Council

Managing everyday study life

The housing environment makes a decisive contribution to successfully completing one's studies. The Studentenwerk Dresden arranges rooms and flats in 35 student residences in Dresden. Here you can expect students from all over the world, short distances to the college and no incalculable additional costs. In addition, the Studentenwerk Dresden  provides advice on all types of topics related to housing. 

Consultation topics:

- Application and allocation of hall of residence places
- Tenancy agreement, rent and deposit
- Furnishings and living in a hall of residence
- Insurance, registration and car
- Guest houses
- Second home tax or second residence tax

Mrs Anette Effner
Phone: + 49 351 46 97 615
Place: Studentenwerk Dresden, Geschäftsbereich Wohnen, Fritz-Löffler-Straße 18, 01069 Dresden, 1. Floor, Room 115

Studying in Germany can be a financial challenge. Support through scholarships can offer great relief. We will be happy to advise you individually on suitable scholarships, the application process and check your application documents together.

Consultation topics:

- Scholarships at the HfM Dresden and general scholarships
- Information on the respective application procedure
- Advice on application documents

Competitions and Scholarships


The German state supports the education of pupils and students in Germany through the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG).  The aim of BAFöG is to enable young people to complete an education that matches their aptitude and inclination - even if their parents cannot finance this education. Relevant factors for receiving financial support include nationality or residence status, age and suitability for the desired education as well as private income and assets. The Studentenwerk Dresden provides advice on this and other financing options

Consultation topics:

- Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG)
- Student loan from KfW Förderbank
- Graduate funding, Georgius Agricola scholarship and re-entry scholarship

Various officers of Studentenwerks Dresden
Phone: + 49 351 46 97 526
Place: Studentenwerk Dresden, Amt für Ausbildungsförderung, Fritz-Löffler-Straße 18, 01069 Dresden, 4. and 5. floor

Many social factors can complicate or impact your studies. The Studentenwerk Dresden is there to help you with these challenges. They can advise you on a variety of topics such as pregnancy, dealing with chronic illnesses and many other challenges you may face as an international student.

Consultation topics:

- Financial support during your studies (except BAföG)  
- Pregnancy and parental leave during studies
- Support options for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses
- Support options for students of international origin

Mrs Sandra Simond / Mrs Miriam Regner
Phone: + 49 351 46 97 661 / + 49 351 46 97 662
Place: Studentenwerk Dresden, Geschäftsbereich Beratung und Soziales, Fritz-Löffler-Straße 18, 01069 Dresden, 5. floor, room 525

Even if you assume that everyone acts to the best of their knowledge and belief, certain situations may arise during your studies in which you feel that you have been treated unfairly. If this is the case and you want to take legal action, the Studentenwerk Dresden can advise you on many legal issues such as examination law, broadcasting  law and anti-discrimination law.

Consultation topics:

- Higher education law with a focus on admission law and examination law
- Civil law with a focus on tenancy law and contract law
- BAföG
- Labour law
- Broadcasting law
- Anti-discrimination law

Various officers of Studentenwerk Dresden
Phone: + 49 0351 46 97 855
Place: Studentenwerk Dresden, Rechtsberatung, Fritz-Löffler-Straße 18, 01069 Dresden, 3. floor, Registration in room 308 or directly with the counsellor depending on the current notice board


Experiencing the world

Stays abroad are inspiring and enriching in many ways. at the HfM Dresden maintains numerous partnerships with international universities that are available for one or more semesters abroad with corresponding financial support through the Erasmus and PROMOS programmes. The International Office will be happy to assist you with the application process and advise you on funding options.

Consultation topics:

- Advice on studying and internships abroad
- Erasmus and other exchange and funding opportunities
- Information on exchange and study opportunities abroad
- Advice on scholarships and mobility to European and non-European countries (ERASMUS+, PROMOS)
- Advice on financing options for a stay abroad
- Administrative support in the preparation of stays abroad
- Support for international students

International Office

The Foreigners' Registration Office in Dresden is of particular interest to international students. Here they receive information and advice on right of residence, residence permits and residence titles.

Consultation topics:
-    Residence permit

Place: Theaterstraße 11 - 15, 01067 Dresden

Living Safety & Diversity

The mutual protection of personal rights and respect for individual personality boundaries are the main pillars of an inspiring artistic, educational and scientific work and study environment at the HfM Dresden. Therefore, all relatives and members are called upon to help ensure that (sexualized) discrimination and violence, exclusion, bullying and abuse of power are avoided. You will receive confidential advice on protection and options for action from the confidance team. Here you can also submit your complaint directly according to Art. 13 AGG.


Everyone who studies or works at the HfM Dresdenhas the right to equal treatment in all matters- regardless of gender, skin colour, cultural background, degree of disability and so on. The Equal Opportunities Officers are responsible for the Women's Advancement Plan, the Equal Opportunities Concept and the Inclusion Strategy of at the HfM Dresdenand are available to answer questions about equality and inclusion.

More information



Bei Fragen oder Problemen hinsichtlich der (intersektionalen) Gleichstellung, der Familienfreundlichkeit, der Vereinbarkeit von Studium/Arbeit mit der Pflege von Angehörigen, wenn Sie Feedback zu Bewerbungsunterlagen wünschen, wenn Sie sich gemobbt oder benachteiligt fühlen und vertraulich beraten lassen möchten, wenden Sie sich gern an Ihre Gleichstellungsbeauftragten.

Die/der Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der HfM Dresden ist Mitglied im Vertrauensteam



Bei Fragen oder Problemen hinsichtlich der Inklusion, des Nachteilsausgleichs, wenn Sie mit Beeinträchtigungen beim Studium/bei der Arbeit umzugehen haben, wenden Sie sich gern an:


The HfM Dresden does not tolerate sexual discrimination and violence. Nevertheless, it cannot be ruled out that such unfortunate events may occur. The representative against sexual discrimination and violence is available for confidential counselling in regards to protection, the possibilities for legal action and is also responsible for the guideline on protection against sexual discrimination and violence.

Die gegenseitige Wahrung der Persönlichkeitsrechte und der Respekt der individuellen Persönlichkeitsgrenzen sind tragende Säulen eines inspirierendenkünstlerischen, pädagogischen und wissenschaftlichen Arbeits- und Studienumfeldes an der Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden (HfM Dresden). Deshalb sind alle Angehörigen und Mitglieder aufgefordert, daran mitzuwirken, dass sexuelle Diskriminierung und Gewaltanwendung unterbleiben.

Vertrauliche Beratung zu Schutz- und Handlungsmöglichkeiten erhalten Sie von unserer Beauftragten für sexualisierte Diskriminierung und Gewalt oder direkt im Rektorat.

Die/der Beauftragte gegen sexualisierte Diskriminierung und Gewalt ist Mitglied im Vertrauensteam


Our students understand the issues that are of concern to their fellow students and they are committed to being there for each other. The SAUSE initiative stands for Sensibilisierung- (awareness), Anti-Diskriminierung (anti-discrimination), Unterstützung (support), Selbstreflexion (self-reflection) and Empowerment. SAUSE always has an open ear for your personal troubles and worries. 


Contact: Mailbox next to the student printer opposite the welcome desk


Staying healthy

Professional musicians often operate close to their physiological and psychological limits. Exceeding these limits may result in music-related health problems. The Institute of Musicians’ Medicine provides an Outpatient Clinic that is open to all students with playing-related health disorders or other performance-related concerns.

Consultation topics:

- Diagnostics and treatment of health issues that are either caused by or relevant for music-making
- All questions related to music physiology, musicians’ medicine, or the psychology of performance

Outpatient Clinic for Musicians


Vocal students as well as students of all other disciplines cannot avoid the Studio for Voice Research at the HfM Dresden. Here, phoniatrists, acousticians and vocal pedagogues identify possible undesirable developments in the use of your voice at an early stage and will work to eliminate these together with you and your colleagues of the teaching staff. Likewise, the team at the Voice Research Studio is available to help you with problems with your hearing in the college's own modern ear, nose and throat (ENT) laboratory with an examination unit and an audiometry station. A ENT-consultation hour is offered by Prof. Dr. med. Friedemann Pabst and Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Mürbe.

Consultation topics:

- Voice disorders
- hearing disorders
- Other neck-nose-ears specific diseases and disorders

Studio for Voice Research


There are many personal issues, illnesses and other unforseable factors that can negatively influence your well-being during your studies at the college.  The Studentenwerk Dresden has an open ear for all issues that affect students individually and is happy to provide anonymous counselling. Together with your contact person, you will find the help and solutions for difficult situations.

Consultation topics:

- Doubts about continuing studies
- Difficulties at work
- Examination anxiety
- Problems finishing studies
- Lack of self-esteem
- Problems in the social environment
- Problems with alcohol, drugs, online addiction
- Depression
- Couples counselling/seminars

More Information

Mrs Dr. Sabine Stiehler
Phone: + 49 351 46 97 920

Place: Studentenwerk Dresden, Psychosoziale Beratungsstelle (PSB), Schnorrstraße 8, 01069 Dresden


Taking control of your professional future

As an upcoming professional artist and dedicated music teacher, you can't start early enough to gain practical experience. At at the HfM Dresden, students are supported by the Artistic Management Office in the organisational and logistical planning and implementation of concerts. The Artistic Management Office also assists students in setting up their own projects and organising concert events.

Consultation topics:

- Planning of dates and concerts at the HfM Dresden
- Planning concert dates in external venues
- Promotion of concerts
- Creation of posters and concert flyers or advertisements
- Using of the corporate design (e.g. college logo)
- Using of opening and closing credits for films/videos

Artistic Management Office



After graduation, things get serious as you are faced with the challenge of making a living with your art. To ensure that you have the best possible start to your career, we will be happy to advise you individually on topics such as career planning, application documents, professional self-employment and other questions related to your field of work. We also support you with project applications.

Consultation topics:

- Career counselling (self-analysis / goal setting / next steps)
- Development of career alternatives
- Advice on project applications
- Advice on application documents



In order to gain attention as an artist beyond the horizon of at the HfM Dresden, it is worth considering the opportunities offered by the Studentenwerk Dresden. In addition to funding student cultural projects and artistic groups, there are opportunities to perform at the Dresden Student Days.

Consultation topics:

- Support and promotion of student clubs, artistic groups and associations
- Promotion of students' cultural projects
- Offering courses
- Renting rooms in the student house TUSCULUM
- Exhibition opportunities in the STUWERTINUM Gallery
- Provision of rehearsal rooms
- Dresden Student Days with the night walk through the student clubs and the band contest UNI AIR

Mr Rainer Freckmann / Mr Holger Knaak
Phone: + 49 351 46 97 544
Place: Studentenwerk Dresden, Geschäftsbereich Kommunikation und Kultur, Fritz-Löffler-Straße 18, 01069 Dresden, 5. floor, room 523


Organising Family

The HfM Dresden is very concerned about the compatibility of studies and family. Lectures in the late afternoon, concerts in the evening and study trips should not be a problem, which is why the college offers the possibility of flexible care via an external babysitting service. In addition to baby-changing facilities, there is a parent-child room for parents and their children to stay, rest, breastfeed, change diapers, play or eat.

More information

Phone: + 49 351 46 33 26 00
Place: Wettiner Platz 13, Welcome desk in the entrance area of the old building, Wettiner Platz 13, Foyer

Mrs Ute Fischer
Babysitting service
Phone: + 49 351 46 33 26 34
Place: Wettiner Platz 13, G 3.03


The Studentenwerk Dresden is there to help (expectant) student parents with advice and assistance. Whether it is about pregnancy and birth, organising your studies with children or support with applications - the contact persons at the campus office in cooperation with the TU Dresden know where you can get support and will be happy to assist you.

Consultation topics:

- Maternity protection and parental leave
- Financing (e.g. parental money, child benefit, ALG II, maintenance)
- Organisation of studies with child(ren)
- Childcare in Dresden
- Pregnancy and birth
- Arranging a college career and family responsibilities
- Support with applications and, if necessary, appeals to public offices
- Applying for and accepting applications for pregnancy allowance

Mrs Manuela Lang / Mrs Annett Peukert
Phone: + 49 351 46 33 26 66
Place: Campusbüro Uni mit Kind, Verwaltungsgebäude 1 auf dem Campus der TU Dresden, George-Bähr-Straße 1d, 01069 Dresden


Reliable and close childcare is essential for studying with children. The Studentenwerk Dresden cooperates with various day-care facilities close to campus that keep open spots available primarily for children of studying parents. You can study with peace of mind while your children's individual strengths and community skills are fostered through a diverse range of educational opportunities.


Mrs Silke Wulf / Mrs Alexandra Kern
Phone: + 49 351 46 97 664 / + 49 351 46 97 665
Place: Studentenwerk Dresden, Geschäftsbereich Beratung und Soziales, Fritz-Löffler-Straße 18, 01069 Dresden, 5. floor, room 527


Short-term Childcare

Bridging gaps in childcare spontaneously can occur during studies. At Campusnest, children of students and college staff are looked after flexibly and for a short time for a maximum of four hours per day.


Mrs Susanne Kammel
Phone: + 49 351 45 19 193

Place: Campusnest, Hochschulstraße 50, 01069 Dresden, im Erdgeschoss des Internationalen Gästehauses (IGH), room 0105A


Anything else?

If you have further questions, unsolved problems or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. You also have the option of contacting us anonymously via the online form "Praise & Criticism". Your request will be forwarded anonymously to the appropriate office. 
