Admission Requirement:
University entrance qualification (equivalent to the „Abitur“ in Germany)
Language Requirements
For application: Proof of German language skills at least at level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
For enrolment: Proof of German language skills according to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
The following language certificates are accepted:
- TestDaF
- Goethe certificate
- UNI Cert
- ÖSD certificate
In addition, language certificates according to the European Framework of Reference are also accepted by language schools that have recognized quality management certificates.
A list of recognized language schools can be found here
A list of recognized quality certificates for language courses can be found here
Students at the HfM Dresden who have received admission subject to proof of German language skills can take part in the language course offered at the HfM Dresden. Studies can only be continued in the second semester if the German exam at the HfM Dresden has been passed at the required level or, alternatively, a language certificate has been submitted according to the criteria listed above.
Die Aufnahmeprüfung besteht aus einem schriftlichen (3-stündige Klausur) und einem mündlichen Teil.
- Kontrapunktischer Instrumentalsatz (z. B.Kanon, Inventionsbeginn, Triosonatensatz zu einem gegebenen Generalbass)
- Fortsetzung eines gegebenen Anfangs
- Romantischer Chorsatz
- Analyse eines gegebenen Musikstücks
Mündlich (20 Minuten):
- Höraufgaben
- Klavierpraktische Übungen
- Fragen aus den musiktheoretischen Teildisziplinen
- Klavier:
Werke aus drei Stilrichtungen
Auswendigspiel erwünscht