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  • Noten und Dirigierstab/Foto: Christian Debus

Choral Conducting


The field of choral conducting stands for a high artistic and conceptual standard, which is supplemented by a significant proportion of practice-oriented project work. Therefore, the involvement of students in the rehearsals of ensembles is indispensable and a matter of course.



Broadly Diversified, Practically Oriented, Individually

The focus of the study programme is the development of an artistic personality with all its creative potential, who confidently meets the requirements of the current music business. The basis for this is the comprehensive technical and musical training and promotion of creativity and independence.


During the conducting studies, contact to professional practice is made possible through regular conducting appointments as well as rehearsals and concerts with regional partners. The students find their own gestural forms of expression in individual or class lessons, accompany each other at the piano and develop distinct ideas of interpretation and performance practice alongside the conducting technique. Additional modules for new and old music supplement the main subject lessons as well as piano, correpetition, score playing and sight-reading. 


Benefit from Local Diversity

The possibilities to observe Dresden music theatres (Semper Opera House, Landesbühnen Sachsen, Staatsoperette) as well as many regional choirs in the rehearsal and performance phase and to be able to work with them supports the diversity of the training.

Rehearsal and Stage Experience

Assisting the college choir, the opera class of the college and the auditory vowel offer conducting students of higher semesters a well founded learning of the rehearsal methodology. In addition, there are numerous opportunities for internships, repetitions and assistances with large choir associations in the region. Concerts in regional churches and in the college's concert hall round off the study programme.



Entrance Requirements


Study Curriculum & Documents


Professores and Lecturers

Contacts for all professors, lecturers and staff can be found here


Conducting / Correpetition


Sungjin Kim/Foto: privat
Tim Fluch/Foto: Anna Werner


Department Conducting/Correpetition