Master Music Pedagogy
Music pedagogical fields of activity are more diverse today than ever. In the master's degree in Music Education/Musikvermittlung, students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of making music in a class or teaching music.

Music Making in Groups
The master’s degree in music education with a focus on "making music in groups" prepares students for giving instrumental and vocal lessons in large groups and classes, especially in the context of school cooperation. The course includes further individual artistic tuition as well as various internships, subject didactics, independent pedagogical projects and an in-depth scientific examination of class music pedagogical topics. This enables an individualized and practical training.

Music Mediation
The master's degree in music education with a focus on "Music Education/Musikvermittlung" prepares you for a wide range of opportunities to work in the field of music education - be it as a teacher at concert halls, as a moderator and organizer of concerts and much more. The course offers numerous opportunities to gain practical experience, for example by working on the shuttle bus of The Young ClassX MusikMobil. Students get to know important fields of contemporary music education and practice moderating roles. In addition to the continuing artistic main subject, individual pedagogical priorities as well as the scientifically in-depth examination of aspects of music education are also part of the course.
Video Trailer
Master Music Pedagogy
Further information
Application, curriculum, teaching
Neuer Studiengang beim Tag der offenen Tür
Studienangebot "Rhythmik/Elementare Musikpädagogik"
Nachwuchsmangel in der Musikpädagogik
Beteiligung an Crowdresearch-Projekt
Workshops, Symposia und Praktika
Hospitationspraktikum am Heinrich Schütz-Konservatorium
Anmeldungen für das Wintersemester noch bis zum 17. Oktober 2024 möglich!
Katharina Bradler
Prof. Dr.
Leitung Institut für Musikpädagogik
Studiendekanin KPA
Sprechzeit während des Semesters: Immer Mittwoch 9:15-10:45
Sprechzeit in den Semesterferien: Am 12.2. und am 12.3. jeweils von 10:30-12:00 Uhr online
Vorherige Anmeldung über
Könneritzstraße 29
Sarah-Lisa Beier
Prof. Dr.
Vertretungsprofessur Musikpädagogik
Stellvertretende Studiendekanin KPA
Sprechzeiten im Wintersemester 2024-25:
mittwochs von 9h bis 11h (telefonisch oder per Zoom) sowie donnerstags von 8:15h bis 9:15h (vor Ort: Könneritzstraße 29), nach voriger Vereinbarung per Email
Anke Schurath
Contacts for all professors, lecturers and staff can be found here