The Dresden College of Music offers the possibility of a doctorate in the disciplines of historical and systematic musicology, music theory and music pedagogy.
Admission Requirements
The prerequisite is a university degree with a diploma, master's or master's degree or a state examination. As a rule, the degree should have received at least an overall grade of "good".
In addition, a professor of musicology, music theory or music pedagogy must agree to supervise the dissertation.
Admission is by the doctoral committee.
All further details are explained in the doctoral regulations.
Doctoral Regulations
The doctorate can be carried out as part of the doctoral programme or externally. The doctoral programme comprises a standard period of study of six semesters.
All information on admission requirements and doctoral procedures is regulated in the doctoral regulations of the Dresden College of Music.
Christin Werner
Prof. Dr.
Vorsitzende Promotionskommission
Studiendekanin Lehramt Musik
Mo, 9:00 Uhr - 9:45 Uhr
Kraftwerk, Großraumbüro
Gern auch per Videochat (bitte über Mail anmelden)
Sarah-Lisa Beier
Prof. Dr.
Vertretungsprofessur Musikpädagogik
Stellvertretende Studiendekanin KPA
Sprechzeiten im Wintersemester 2024-25:
mittwochs von 9h bis 11h (telefonisch oder per Zoom) sowie donnerstags von 8:15h bis 9:15h (vor Ort: Könneritzstraße 29), nach voriger Vereinbarung per Email
Michael Heinemann
Prof. Dr. phil. habil.
Raum P 4.05 (Wettiner Platz 10, 4. OG)
Montag ab 17:00 (mit Voranmeldung per Mail)
Annemarie Michel
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Instrumental- und Gesangspädagogik
ESF-Projekt "MuBeLe – Musizieren – Beziehen – Lernen"
Daniel Prantl
Stellvertretender Studiendekan Lehramt Musik
Mobile: | +49 179 6784620 |
Raum: K 2.03
Mo 10:00 – 11:00
Nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail