Freundesgesellschaft (Society of Friends)
Freunde und Förderer der HfMDD
Since 1991, the Society of Friends of the Dresden College of Music has brought together numerous friends and sponsors of this traditional institution. The aim is the idealistic and material support of the college in fulfilling its artistic, pedagogical and scientific tasks. We invite you to make a very special friendship with us!
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Werden Sie Mitglied bei uns! Eine Mitgliedschaft im Förderverein der Hochschule für Musik berechtigt zum freien Eintritt bei allen Veranstaltungen der Hochschule, ermöglicht den Besuch von Proben, gibt die Möglichkeit zum Gespräch mit Künstlern und verschafft Einblick in die weitere Arbeit der Hochschule.
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- born 1951 in Schwerin
- 1972 to 1977 studied opera directing at the Academy of Music "Hanns Eisler" Berlin
- 1977 director at the Volkstheater Rostock and 1980 head of musical theatre at the Senftenberg Theatre
- 1982 Deputy Director for Planning and Organisation at the Dresden State Theatres, later Chief Scheduler of the Semper Opera, newly opened in 1985
- from 1994 artistic director and managing director of the Musiktheater Görlitz GmbH and the Neue Lausitzer Philharmonie, from 1999 artistic director of the Stadttheater Würzburg
- 2003 to 2019 General Manager of the Dresden State Operetta
- 2005 Elected member of the Saxon Academy of Arts and in 2015 secretary of the performing arts and film class
- 2016 Moved with the ensemble of the Staatsoperette from the post-war provisional venue on the eastern outskirts of the city to the new venue in Kraftwerk Mitte
- 2018 Honoured with the Saxon Constitutional Medal
- Studied economics at the Humboldt University in Berlin
- Several years of professional experience in a supra-regional tax consultancy firm
- Appointment as tax consultant in 2003
- since 2007 tax consultant and member of the management of Schneider + Partner Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
- since 2023 honorary activity as treasurer for the association Freunde, Förderer und Alumni der Hochschule für Musik Dresden e.V. (Friends, Sponsors and Alumni of the Dresden University of Music)
- Born in Bischofswerda, school-leaving certificate with A-levels
- first musical experiences in the choir of the parish, piano lessons since the age of 8 at the music school in Bautzen
- 1974-1979 studied at the "Carl Maria von Weber" College of Music in Dresden, graduated as a music teacher for piano and music theory
- Teaching at the Bautzen Music School (piano and rhythm), assistant at the HfMDD from 1979-1982, journalistic work,
- Initially autodidactic occupation with the field of rhythmics, numerous courses in dance, musical elementary education and rhythmics with Christel Ulbrich, Trudi Schoop, Gerda Bächli and others as well as at the Orff Institute in Salzburg, the Federal Academy Remscheid and the Institute Jaques-Dalcroze in Geneva.
- 1990-1993 Rhythmic studies at the Hochschule für Musik in Dresden under the direction of Brita Glathe, numerous further training courses.
- Since 1982 teaching at the Dresden Academy of Music in elementary work, co-founder of the children's class at the HfMDD (1981) and director of the same Since 1987 initiative for and establishment of the training in rhythmics and elementary music pedagogy as a second main subject at the above-mentioned institute, since 1993 director of the training course.
- since 2023 3. Chairman for the Friends of the Dresden College of Music e.V.
- 1943 born in Dresden
- 1961-1967 Studied conducting and piano at the Dresden College of Music
- First engagement as solo répétiteur at the Dresden State Opera
- from 1970 1st Kapellmeister, since 1975 Musical Director at the Municipal Theatre Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz)
- 1980-1991 GMD at the Landestheater Halle and director of the Handel Festival Orchestra
- 1991-1998 GMD State Orchestra Rheinische Philharmonie and City Theatre Koblenz
- 1998-2015 Professor for orchestral conducting at the HfM Dresden, from 2000 also at the HMT Leipzig
- due to an irreversible hearing disorder, premature termination of his activities as a conductor
- until 2015 lecturer for conducting at the Dresden Musikhochschule
- continues to give concerts as lied accompanist and chamber music pianist
- Founding member of the alumni association of the Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden
Der Förderverein unterstützt Studierende und Lehrkräfte durch Stipendien und Projektförderungen.
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